





  • Xiaojia Pu, Gangshan Wu, and Chunfeng Yuan. User-aware Topic Modeling of Online Reviews. In Multimedia Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s00530-017-0557-6, 2017.
  • Xiaojia Pu, Gangshan Wu, and Chunfeng Yuan. Exploring Overall Opinions for Document Level Sentiment Classification with structural SVM. In Multimedia Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s00530-017-0550-0, 2017.
  • Xiaojia Pu, Gangshan Wu, and Chunfeng Yuan. Sentiment Analysis with the Exploration of Overall Opinion Sentences. Proceedings of the 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2017), Alaska, USA, p. 2392-2399, 2017. (oral)
  • Xiaojia Pu, Rong Jin, Gangshan Wu, Dingyi Han, and Gui-Rong Xue. Topic Modeling in Semantic Space with Keywords. Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ACM CIKM 2015), Melbourne, Australia, p. 1141–1150, 2015. (long, oral)
  • Xiaojia Pu, Qi Mao, Gangshan Wu and Chunfeng Yuan. Chinese Named Entity Recognition with the Improved Smoothed Conditional Random Fields. International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing'10), Iasi, Romania, 2010, 91-104. (poster)